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Published Books

Legislating for the Confederacy
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Published October 2024

To understand fully the history of both the War Between the States and the Confederacy itself, one must understand its civilian government. That includes not only the formalities of government but also the personalities and character of the individuals who comprised the Confederate Congress. This book does just that, surveying the lives of some of the major personalities and the major issues with which they dealt

Dillon's War
Published July 2024

Dillon Summers didn't talk about his war experiences. But using a handful of his letters home and the unit histories of the 3rd Armored Division and the 391st Armored Field Artillery Battalion, the author has pieced together his path across Europe to defeat the Nazi's Third Reich. In the process, he uncovered the reason for Summers's reticence.

Evangelism and Expulsion
Published 2022

Traces the early unsuccessful missionary attempts to reach the Cherokees with the gospel and the later, more successful, efforts of the various major denominations to evangelize the Cherokee Indians.

Christ in Camp and Combat
Published 2021

This book is the story of Christian heroes, spiritual soldiers in a spiritual conflict amidst the raging winds of earthly warfare.

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Confederate Cabinet Departments and Secretaries
Published 2016

This book provides a detailed overview of each of the Confederacy's six executive departments, along with biographical sketches of each man who held a position in Jefferson Davis's cabinet, from Secretary of State to Postmaster General.

Look Unto the Hills: Stories of Growing Up in Rural East Tennessee
Published 2017

Farm stories of growing up in rural East Tennessee categorized under play, school, work, people, animals, and values, demonstrate the benefits of growing up in a rural setting, where work was the norm, education was a privilege, and faith was a necessity. The stories emphasize family as the central focus of life and community. And they underscore the importance of a sense of humor to life.

Combat! Lessons on Spiritual Warfare from Military History
Published 2020

This book surveys the military history of Israel from Abram’s operation to the rescue of Lot through the fall of Jerusalem and examines our spiritual warfare in the light of military history and modern military organization.

Teacher: Teaching and Being Taught: Essays in Christian Education
Published 2017

Teaching is a noble calling. It is a calling in which those who answer it not only teach but also continue to learn. The author is a veteran teacher, editor of educational materials, writer of articles on Christian education, and textbook author. In this book, he shares some of the lessons he's learned over the years. Those lessons are applicable to various grade levels and subjects.

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©2022 by Dennis L. Peterson

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