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Dennis L. Peterson
Nov 1, 20162 min read
What Would Calvin Coolidge Think?
There are a lot of “what ifs” in history. I happened to think of one the other day while reading a little booklet published by the Calvin...

Dennis L. Peterson
Oct 4, 20163 min read
Thoughts on a Family Reunion
This past weekend, I attended what has become an annual event but that I have been able to attend only a couple of times–the reunion of...

Dennis L. Peterson
Sep 16, 20163 min read
Learning from the Trail of Tears
Today is the Trail of Tears Commemoration Day, the recognition of a national tragedy. The seeds of what culminated in the...

Dennis L. Peterson
Aug 10, 20161 min read
Test Your Knowledge of the Confederate Government
Of the eleven Confederate states, which two were never represented in the executive branch? Which cabinet member was born in Germany,...

Dennis L. Peterson
Jul 9, 20161 min read
Comenius: Pastor, Philosopher, Pedagogue
#education #History #philosophy

Dennis L. Peterson
Jul 1, 20163 min read
Celebrating the Fourth
Since most of us will be indulging in cookouts (weather permitting) on this holiday, allow me to use a food-related analogy. If one has...

Dennis L. Peterson
Jun 20, 20164 min read
Revisiting The Pledge
From that point until recent decades, school children have recited that pledge, the only difference in wording being the addition under...
Dennis L. Peterson
May 26, 20161 min read
Getting the “Feel” of History
My friend and former colleague, Lauren Kowalk, shares the following review. Book Review: The Lake House #bookreviews...

Dennis L. Peterson
May 18, 20161 min read
The Key to Writing Good History
Too many history writers today have an agenda that dictates how and what they write. And too often those writers are driven by political...

Dennis L. Peterson
May 16, 20163 min read
Small Beginnings, Long Flights, and Positive Emphases
Among the many events that happened this week in history are three especially noteworthy things. Each of them has something to teach us....

Dennis L. Peterson
May 9, 20161 min read
How Much Do You Know about the Confederate Cabinet?
Which Confederate cabinet members served longer than any other? Which Confederate cabinet member served in the most different cabinet...
Dennis L. Peterson
May 9, 20161 min read
Hang In There!
“The man who wins is the man who hangs on just five minutes longer after everyone else has quit.” –Douglas Southall Freeman, historian...

Dennis L. Peterson
Apr 23, 20161 min read
“Thus Ever to Tyrants”
But fascism, like all big-government schemes, never delivered on its utopian promises. Rather, things got only worse as the government...
Dennis L. Peterson
Apr 23, 20163 min read
Remembering the Armenian Genocide
I am a firm believer in the adage that history repeats itself. Names and circumstances change, but the lessons to be learned remain the...
Dennis L. Peterson
Mar 3, 20162 min read
How We Got Our National Anthem
The VFW calendar on our refrigerator reminds me that today marks the anniversary of our national anthem, which was officially labeled...
Dennis L. Peterson
Dec 14, 20153 min read
May They Never Be Forgotten
Dec 14, 2015 The other day, I received in the mail a solicitation for a donation to a group dedicated to memorializing the veterans of...

Dennis L. Peterson
Sep 4, 20152 min read
Change and Continuity Revisited
Today, I take a brief glance backward to August 28, 2015, when I posted this article, my first effort at blogging. Much has changed since...
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